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Learn More About Us

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The specific purpose of Most High Ministry, a non-profit 501(c)(3), is to feed, clothe, minister to, and meet the needs of the homeless and less fortunate in Yuba and Sutter Counties.

God is ever so faithful from the very beginning. When God asked me, “Will you serve Me?“ I said, “YES.” He promised He would provide and protect and He has and continues to everyday.


It all started in May of 2020, when two ladies and I got together and felt led by The Holy Spirit to feed the homeless. Not knowing what or how, we made a plan and started on the first Tuesday in June 2020. We put together 54 lunches, and drove around Yuba City, Marysville, and Linda sharing the love of Jesus with a meal, a prayer, a warm smile and encouragement.

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Today, Most High Ministry continues to feed, pray with, and encourage the homeless and less fortunate with an even bigger warm smile, and when possible, we hand out rain ponchos, beanies, gloves, hand warmers, blankets, clothing, shoes, personal items, Bibles and Daily Bread pamphlets. Most High Ministry also does its best to provide rides to doctor appointments, DMV, Health and Human Services office, County Clerk, shower facility, and church. We continue to minister to the needs of our less fortunate and homeless brothers and sisters in Christ. We have been out there every first and third Tuesday of the month since June 2020.

In the past 3 years we have witnessed so many hearts and lives being changed by the loving kindness of Jesus. We are so blessed and grateful to be a gardener for the Lord. What a privilege!

There is a growing need. We now serve 125-150 homemade meals twice each month, and we are expanding into Live Oak.


The Lord has given me a vision for a shelter and where He will have it be. We are standing on His promises: Isaiah 55:11 “So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” So very powerful!

If you would like to be a part of our ministry in any way, we welcome you, would be eternally grateful, and appreciate any and all.


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